Monday, September 16, 2024

Happiness… (BONUS BLOG!)

 So far Monday has gone so good that I have chosen to add a rant blog.

I have really been enjoying being off of the mainstream internet, it feels freeing to be part of smaller communities and actually meet interesting people rather than seeing racism, sexism, and other awful shit that makes me want to gauge my eyes out with a stick. Recently, I have started thinking again about getting a pager, my parents refuse to get me a flip phone and demand that I get a smart phone because of gps and other stuff, but still, I want to be free, sort of in the way that I am free now by not being on the mainstream internet anymore, it is really refreshing. Finding pagers is difficult though, I am not sure where to begin, especially since they are not like phones where you can select a plan and pay $xx every month. If I got a pager I would probably achieve the same if not a greater amount of freedom than I would with just a dumb phone, I mainly am interested in pagers as a smart phone can be a really good tool, going to concerts, the movies, etc. especially when you are my age and you go out with friends or on dates, you have to have a phone capable of loading email etc. to show the QR code to the attendant or to be able to reliably call 911 if it is absolutely necessary, I think a pager is good for daily life though, especially at work or at school, I feel like at school when I do put my phone in one of the pouches that the teachers want us to put it in, I feel happier, the time honestly goes by a lot faster when I am forced to talk to the people around me, English class is my favorite example, if I was able to use my phone I would absolutely hate the class as I wouldn’t have talked to the people I talk to in English now, I actually really enjoy the class because I put my phone in a pouch, granted I get five bonus points for doing it which is honestly carrying my grade right now but it is still beneficial to me mentally. I understand some people think pagers are stupid but I really think they are cool, the idea that I don’t have to bring a thousand dollar phone with me everywhere I go sounds great! Especially not having to worry about it breaking or getting wet, pagers are so cheap that if they break it isn’t a big deal. I view the pager the way I view my Casio Gshock watch, it is simple, long lasting, and makes my life a lot easier, I have an Apple Watch that my parents got me for Christmas and while that is a great watch and it was crucial in helping me lose weight when I first started, now that I have my life mostly together, it’s just a distraction, it vibrates and shows stuff on the screen constantly, it has to be charged EVERY NIGHT, I mean Jesus, call me weird but I like wearing my watch to bed, especially since I charge my phone at my desk, which it would absolutely suck having to get up and wake my dog to check the time just to see I woke up three hours before my alarm is supposed to go off. I have actually gotten much better sleep since not charging my phone next to my bed, it also forces me out of my bed to go and shut the alarm off which before, I would turn it off and go back to sleep just to be late for school. Overall, I would say that combining dumb tech and smart tech is honestly the best way to live, especially since smart tech has its benefits, but dumb tech does too, I accidentally ran over my watch and it didn’t even leave a single scratch whereas if I did that to my Apple Watch it would have been completely destroyed. I know this has been a long rant for just a bonus blog but this new lifestyle I have sort of taken in has amazing benefits that honestly have made me so happy, I will try to post a slightly shorter blog this Sunday after I go apple picking with my crush and to a convention with my friend.

See ya

- nick

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Happiness… (BONUS BLOG!)

 So far Monday has gone so good that I have chosen to add a rant blog. I have really been enjoying being off of the mainstream internet, it ...